Sustainable, Reliable Energy

for Your Home

West Hartford Solar is dedicated to ensuring you find the best sustainable energy solution for your family's needs.

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Meet Dan Hovey

You know solar energy is an option to power your home, but you don't know what option is best for your family. Maybe you've gone down the rabbit hole of late night Google searches, or chatted with the representatives showing up at your door or greeting you in Home Depot, but don't want a cookie cutter solution from a single product line that "works" for everyone in town, you want a solution that is best fit for your solar power needs.

Working with me is different - I am not a solar energy salesman. I see the difficulty our community is facing with rising energy costs. I want to be part of the solution, for our community to grow together, and address energy in a sustainable way.

Your sustainable energy solution looks different than your neighbors, and I make sure that your unique needs are addressed, every step of the way. The only way an energy solution is truly sustainable, is if it is custom fit for your family.

  • Independent Partner of Largest Solar Companies in the USA

    As an independent partner, I identify the solar energy product that best fits your needs. I do not work for one company selling the solar panel that they make, I identify the best solar energy product for your family from the many options offered by the top solar energy companies.

  • Best Service in the Industry

    From initial solar panel education to installation day, I am your only point of contact and project manager. After we choose the best solar energy solution for your family, I will coordinate all aspects of preliminary design, on-site survey, communication with Eversource, town permitting requirements, installation, activation, and ongoing support.

  • Best Rates Offered

    Whether you are interested in leasing, financing, or purchasing solar panels, you will receive a competitive rate for the top of the line solar solution for your home. Wondering which financial option is best for you? We can review your residency plans and finances to find your best-fit solution.

Every Home is Different

Don’t let someone treat your home like your neighbors. No two homes are identical and no project is the same.

Begin Your Solar Project Today

Frequently Asked Questions

Do solar panels damage your roof

No - solar panels are less intrusive than roofing shingles. All solar installations come with roof penetration warranties.

How many solar panels are needed to run a home?

The amount of solar panels needed to provide energy for your home depends on your home's annual electricity usage, amount of sun your home receives, and the directional orientation of your home. During the consultation and approval process, I will be able to create a custom plan for your needs and estimate the benefit you will see from converting to a sustainable solar energy solution. 

Is residentail solar really worth it?

Yes, but not every house can qualify for it. There are many factors that can affect your ability to convert to a solar energy solution. We will address these items and ensure your home is solar ready. 

Will solar panels affect resale value?

The value that solar panels will add to your home is subjective. Both and estimate that solar panels increase the value of your home by 4-5%. Zillow has added  "green scores" on home signaling that buyers are interested in sustainable solutions. 

How long does it take for solar panels to pay for themselves?

This depends on the structure of your solar panel agreement. In a lease, you are swapping a solar panel bill for your standard energy bill and will realize a cost savings immediately. With a financing option, you will also see a cost savings immediately and we see that true ROI is 7-8 years. The value in going solar is dependent on your home's orientation and amount of sun you receive. 

Do solar panels raise home insurance costs?

Any home improvement that adds value to your home increases your home insurance costs. Purchasing or financing your solar panels will add value to your home, and cause an increase in your insurance premium. 

What is the lifespan of solar panels?

Solar panels carry a 25-27 year warranty. There are solar panels in use today that were installed over 40 years ago. 

Can a house run on solar alone?

In Connecticut, you are required to keep your home attached to the grid. Depending on the amount of power you use and the amount of sun your home receives, you may be able to generate all of the energy required to run your home. 

Do I get free electricity with solar panels?

In Connecticut, the state is only generates half of the power residents require. Half of our power travels 400 miles. With solar, the fuel source is free, and we are delivering the power 10 feet from your roof to your meter. This generation and delivery of power is significantly less expensive. 

Do solar panels work in the winter?

Yes they do. Solar panels generate less power during the winter, so we do need to design  a solar power solution that overproduces energy during the summer to carry credits into the wintertime. 

What maintenance do you need to perform for your solar panels?


Are there governmental incentives to getting solar?

Yes, there is currently a 30% tax credit.

Is my home still connected to the grid with solar panels?

Yes, as required by Connecticut. 

Is it a good idea to get solar?

There are a lot of factors to consider. The truth is not every home can go solar. There are situations where it is not advantageous. If certain parameters are followed, not going solar is a massive expense as our local utilities are some of the most expensive in the country.